
"My circumcised husband was totally engrossed in satisfying his own sexual needs; he pounded and banged as if he were having intercourse with a non-feeling person."



"Most circumcised men would or needed to bang away to get off."



"Circumcised men are rough and they tend to "pound away" at me. (How many times do I yell "OW! NOT SO HARD"?)"



"ALRIGHT!  Thank you, yes.  Absolutely.  Banging is the word.  Awful.  I agree with all of it."



"With circumcised intercourse, too many times it was just two sets of genitals banging away at each other detached."



"My ex-boyfriend, who was circumcised, seemed desperate to achieve orgasm and would thrust quite violently, occasionally making me bleed.  He always felt bad about it, but it would happen again."



"While me and my circumcised husband were having sex one time, I started bleeding.  Quite a lot, enough to scare me.  We went to the hospital because we thought something might be wrong. It ended up just being an embarrassment.  They told him to go easy on me next time.  Such a freakout wouldn't have happened if he didn't have to pound the hell out of me every time."



"With circumcised men, I wanted to get it over with. Especially with a new guy or a short relationship, it sometimes felt like just "banging" away."



"When the base of the penis [pubic mound] rams against the clitoris, the woman initially feels pain (which makes her tense up), then her whole sexual area loses all feeling....It doesn’t always hurt at first, but it sure doesn’t feel terrific. And after a while of being "banged," it does hurt, and she wishes he would get it over withfast!"



"After circumcised thrusting, I’m exhausted from the prolonged, pounding thrusts."



"It’s important not to make them [circumcised men] feel inadequate. Some men can compensate for a lack of a foreskin by being caring, affectionate, sensitive—and by being patient during intercourse and doing what they can to limit their need for fast, hard pumping."



"In reading over the survey questionnaire you sent my wife, you are quite right in saying that in sexual intercourse, circumcised men are more rough and tend to pound or bang away, using long thrusts.  I have found this ever increasingly true about my style since being circumcised [in adulthood].  This is because I now have so little sensitivity and thus no build-up of feeling or response during intercourse that I just pound harder and faster in a desperate hope of reaching orgasm."



"Most circumcised men slam hard and women respond hard.  They seem to need a lot more violent thrusting to achieve orgasm."



"A circumcised man’s thrusting is harder.  I think this is due to the fact that the circumcised penis is less sensitive, so circumcised men push harder to compensate for this lack of sensation."



"Circumcised man is too forceful with his thrusting. 
I lose all sense of feeling and I no longer desire to reach an orgasm."



"My husband is circumcised. He’s careful not to hurt me, but I know other women have problems with men thrusting too hard.  I’ve made love with only two natural men and both were very sensuous; their thrusting very loving and gentle. I like that feeling."



"I’ve found circumcised thrusting actions to be rougher and tougher than natural. Circumcised men always, at some point, seem to need to work really hard at thrusting. They back way up and get into these long detached strokes that pound away at my vagina, causing it to tense up. As circumcised sex progresses, I’ve noticed that my vagina loses lubrication and becomes dry, sore, and irritated.  At this point, sex becomes uncomfortable, boring, and unproductive, and I start to totally lose interest."



"The only way male circumcision will stop is to make women aware that they are its primary victims, since they are the ones who are enduring discomfort, punishing blows, and lack of orgasm."



"The "jack hammer effect" is how I got ALL of my girl friends to become anti-circ.  You would be amazed at the looks of "OH, I get it" as soon as you tell them that sex isn't always supposed to be a "bang job" ....Yeah, it is like a light bulb goes off.  I originally thought they would think I was nuts, but they all totally jumped on the band wagon."