
"Circumcised penis is hard and unforgiving—less elasticity."



"The circumcised penis feels so dry, hard and undesirable—like the instruments used in a pelvic exam, unlubricated. Sometimes circumcised men have to work so hard to come that I feel physically threatened, and it gets painful."



"The glans of the circumcised male feels rough, and the shaft is very hard, unnatural."



"Circumcised man uses hard thrusts, like a battering ram, which desensitizes my clitoris."



"Circumcised men feel like a dry stick inside you.  And the way they pound away, trying to get off, leaves the woman’s pubic mound and cervix bruised.  It's either that or they get off so quick they leave you wondering what happened."



"In general, I love sex, but most of my life I’ve picked "the wrong kind" of man because a lot of my circumcised sex experiences were rough, with him banging and pounding with a penis that felt like hard plastic at times."



"Consider yourself lucky if circumcised sex isn't painful for you.  But, on the other hand, it wasn't for me either until I hit my late thirties.  Now it feels like I'm being poked and prodded, rather than being made love to—even with lube."



"In my experience, intact sex is softer in that the skin layer that moves is actually another layer of skin on the WHOLE penis, which makes for a bit of "padding" no matter how hard the penis gets."



"I experienced a huge difference between circumcised and uncircumcised men.  Until I met my natural husband, I thought that the rough, dry, overly-hard, circumcised penis was the way it was supposed to be.  WOW!  I had been missing genuine, naturally satisfying sex and now have the utmost appreciation for the "real thing."  There is such a remarkable difference in all aspects of sex—from foreplay and fellatio to intercourse.  In retrospect, I now consider the circumcised penis as a sort of unreal ‘device’ that made intercourse a not very pleasing experience that often left me sore.  I now have orgasms, which I rarely had with circumcised men."



"My husband is restoring and he's at the point where his skin glides over the shaft and this has made a huge difference in the way sex feels."



"I hear a lot of women saying they think a natural penis is ugly and wouldn’t want to have sex with one, but they’ve never tried it.  I thought the same way too before I had sex with a natural man... It felt wonderful, like nothing I'd ever felt before. I was easily brought to a vaginal orgasm."



"I finally got my foreskin restoration, and none too soon... my wife of 25 years is happier and we respond to each other like youngsters.... By the way, there is a little trick I learned in intercourse.... If I hold her tightly when I am inside her, I can feel my penis cap [glans] going in and out of the foreskin.  She likes the feeling of the shaft sliding in its foreskin case against her vaginal walls.... I can tell you that my revitalized tool has brought a new dimension to her interest in me."